Do you want to benefit from revolutionary healing treatments that can increase your health and quality of life in many different ways? Over 70 years of clinical experience has led to the development of our comprehensive approach to health and healing. We utilize a combination of hands-on healing methods, combined with guided nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

NeuroCranial Restructuring (also known as NCR) was the first healing method developed by Dr Dean Howell, followed by Howellin almost twenty years later. When combined with Body Electronics, a specialty of Rev Rebecca, then amazing and accumulative results are seen.. Dr Dean and Rebecca seamlessly combine these methods together in each treatment session. In the shorter visits, such as our 30-minute healing sessions, the treatment is primarily an NCR treatment. The longer visits allow the time for scar and energy work, and as the sessions lengthens, it primarily becomes the very intense and deep Howelling treatments combined with Body Electronics. A 2-hour Howelling visit is a good choice, because longer treatments are often too arduous for you to tolerate. Body Electronics visits can unpredictably last 2 to 5 hours—your body is like a battery, and we are treating you to drain some electrical charge out of you. It takes as long as it takes!

Often relief from your symptoms can be immediate and is usually permanent. This is because scars do not reform in a short period of time without a new, serious injury. Beneficial changes may affect your entire body. With each treatment session, you may experience significant changes as your body heals. The results accumulate. You can see it in photos and feel it in your movements and thoughts

Your health problems, the ones dogging your steps for so many years, can decrease. In many cases, it takes only weeks or months rather than years to experience the profound and extensive benefits of NeuroCranial Restructuring® (NCR) and Howelling. Their benefits can be permanent; for many individuals, their symptoms and conditions never return. These amazing therapies are revolutionary because they treat causes rather than your symptoms. After all, why get a treatment which gives you relief for a short time? If you have a problem, get it cured!

The trick is, it turns out, that you must focus on the entire body and make it change permanently, then the symptoms created by your “bad” body can be deleted. Dr Howell found out that the treatments he was taught over 40 years ago in naturopathic medical school didn’t usually last. They were symptom correcting treatments, not cures. The work didn’t last---it wasn’t even designed to last!

This led to his desire to change medicine. The treatment results had to last! His first effort was NeuroCranial Restructuring, which he named in 1995. That method produced relief, but, more importantly, the treatment accumulated so that cures could sometimes be achieved.

This was the foundation of an entirely new field Dr. Howell called "transformational medicine." You can experience the results you are looking for---with benefits you may have never imagined. You can become a new and better people.

As your NCR therapy progresses, your inborn potential for greatness can be realized. You may transform into the person you know you can be. Potential changes can occur where and when you need them the most: Your balance and athletic performance can improve, making it easier and more pleasurable for you to be physically active. Your brain may work better so that you are actually smarter, enabling you to think more clearly, quickly, and creatively. Old injuries can heal at an accelerated pace so that you are more pain-free. Your emotional stability may increase as your personal energy and confidence expand. Your posture can improve so that you stand taller, walk more confidently, and appear more powerful. You may become more attractive as your features balance out, becoming more symmetrical. Your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth can realign so that your face is more attractive.

Why have many of you never heard about NeuroCranial Restructuring or Howelling before? The reason is found in the history and traditions of modern medicine. Historically, the focus of modern medicine has been on surgery and drugs. Early in the 19th century it was determined that much more money could be made from selling drugs than from administering effective natural remedies. So top investors like John D. Rockefeller invested in drug (allopathic) research and medical schools, while finding ways to put the competing natural medical schools out of business. (There were twice as many homeopathic as allopathic medical schools in 1900.)

As a result, subsequent advances in biochemistry and pharmacology have been the result of billions of dollars invested in laboratory research and testing, with the focus on the development of new drugs. Drug companies make a huge profit from the patented drugs they develop, a profit that would not be possible if they sold more natural (not patented) remedies. The pharmaceutical companies and their vast and powerful support network (including medical associations, research institutes, and the most powerful congressional lobby in the United States), thus focus on developing chemicals that they can patent. Producing medications is a highly lucrative business for them. From this standpoint, it is financially better for them to develop medications that treat only the symptoms of disease so that they have long-term customers who continue to buy their drugs. Therapies that actually cure the cause are not in the best interest of the drug companies. So powerful drugs have been created that temporarily change people's biochemistry enough to control the symptoms and sometimes the tissue breakdown of the disease. Scientists who work for drug companies may tell us that these chemicals are the answer to disease and human suffering, but most drugs actually treat the symptoms rather than the cause of conditions, especially chronic conditions.

Many people, including doctors, nurses, and patients, resist change and new information because they have been conditioned to believe that only drugs, surgery, and the like can possibly be effective. For the last ninety years, the medical establishment has looked at the human body as a complex machine. Believing that the body is incapable of operating properly without outside help, modern ("allopathic" or symptom-treating) medicine has overlooked and dismissed any therapy, no matter how effective, that doesn't fall within this biochemical paradigm.

Most health professionals provide a conventional therapy that matches your symptoms. Among other things, they:

  • Repair broken bones so that you can still function, which is good.
  • Adjust your biochemistry to battle depression, which treats only the symptoms, not the cause, of the problem.
  • Use powerful painkillers to make your pain bearable, which is appropriate only for short periods of time.
  • Remove or replace damaged or diseased organs and tissue, so you can potentially live longer.

This kind of medicine makes sense for treating acute problems that must be dealt with immediately, such as broken bones and damaged organs. It can also be helpful when a patient needs temporary relief from symptoms. But the focus is too narrow to treat many of our most pressing medical problems, where, unfortunately, conventional doctors often cannot find adequate solutions. Their patient's bodies, minds, and emotions fail to heal completely, especially when the problem is chronic or is a long-term condition like cancer, heart trouble, or diabetes.

Medical (allopathic) doctors are stumped. They truly want to help but don't have the knowledge that would enable them to do so. They become frustrated because they can't find the primary cause of so many different problems using the paradigm they learned in medical school. The narrow range of tools available to them from their limited training prevents them from discovering effective cures. Many patients are left unable to find a solution to their health problems. Medical doctors, as well as more holistic doctors, often use drugs, vitamins, herbs, hormones, and nutraceuticals--anything they think will help. This is fine when vitamin and mineral deficiencies or hormonal and biochemical imbalances are the CAUSE of the patient's condition. Unfortunately, these therapies do not always heal the patient. Many pathogens (viral and bacterial infections, parasites, yeast, heavy metal deposits in the body, etc.) cancers, heart problems and other organ dysfunctions, depression, and the like require an approach outside of the above models of treatment.

Ineffective therapy leaves the patient frustrated, unhealed, and possibly even depressed. Some doctors may change biochemistry with powerful psychotropic drugs in an attempt to minimize feelings of depression. But both they and the patient realize that this is only a temporary measure. You want to get better permanently, and they are powerless to help you! In some cases, doctors may even blame you for their failure to get better. If you do not respond to their therapies, they may think it is something about you rather than about the therapy they are using. However, if you did the therapy as directed, this is not true. Many patients have been forced to search for solutions on their own. Their doctors may have been upset or embarrassed when they did not know the answers to their patients' health questions.

Many doctors are definitely missing an important part of the healing puzzle. One vital piece is physical medicine. It has always been a disdained, second cousin to conventional medicine. The purpose of physical medicine is permanent healing through optimizing physical structure. The nerves and bones in the skull, spine, and sacrum are critically important in any total healing strategy. Yet many doctors ignore or are ignorant of this crucial component of health. They do not realize that the correct functioning of all parts of the body is based on the integrity of the skeletal and nervous system. This is literally the foundation of health.

The skeletal and nervous system must work well for anyone to experience a normal level of physical, emotional, and mental health. The brain and nervous system depend on the flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Without the correct circulation of these precious liquids, the nervous system cannot function properly. The skull and skeleton house the nervous system. The bones subtly mold the nervous system's shape, which determines the flow characteristics of the CSF and blood. So the shape of the skull and skeleton determine the way the blood and CSF flow. The balance and flexibility of the skeletal system is extremely important. Many health professionals either don't know or ignore completely the vital role the skeletal system plays.

When the blood and CSF flows are not optimal, disease and dysfunction result. The delivery of nutrients and neurotransmitters to the brain and other areas of the body is impeded, which is critical for health. If these blockages are not eliminated, the body's biochemistry changes, and this negatively alters brain and nervous system functions. Other persistent problems are created as a result. Many doctors are unable to help because of their lack of training in this area. Conventional medicine has little idea about the importance of optimal structure. Some patients of conventional doctors never heal completely. They are forced to live with a "quality of life" that is so bad they wonder, "What reason is there for even living?" No one should have to live in this state.

The only way to correct the biochemical problems created by skeletal distortions and imbalances is to fix them through physical medicine. Doctors must adjust and unlock the restricted areas.

If your skeletal system is locked and unchanging, your symptoms, caused by this foundational disturbance, will always be with you. Your pain, abnormal emotions, and intellectual difficulties will continue to make your life miserable. This is really an unfortunate part of the healing equation. Many doctors are ignorant of how to permanently fix the serious distortions in your skull and skeletal system. Instead of addressing the primary problem, which is physical structure, doctors continue to use drugs, vitamins, and even some physical medicine techniques that provide only temporary relief. Invasive surgeries permanently change the local problem without addressing the real underlying structural problems. The secret of success in treating skeletal disturbances is to evaluate and to treat the entire body all at one time, thereby balancing the bones, connective tissues, and muscles in the skull and everywhere else.

The skull is most important because it contains the most precious tissue in your whole body: your brain and part of your nervous system. The skull is a container for the brain. There is a membrane lining the inside of the skull and the spinal column called the meninges. The brain fits inside this sack-like formation. The quality of the "fit" of the brain inside the meninges determines how well fluids can flow inside the brain. Try to imagine your brain as a sponge inside a round container. In order for your brain to achieve its full, healthy, optimized potential, it needs to expand to its maximal dimensions.

Virtually everyone can benefit from balancing the bones in the skull and the entire body. During their lifetimes, most people experience numerous minor and major injuries to their heads, starting with the birthing process. Such traumas dramatically affect the shape of your head. Birth, car wrecks, falls, blows to the head, broken noses, dental extractions, orthodontia, and sports injuries force the bones in your skull to lock into weird positions. If your skull is abnormally shaped, it compresses your brain (like a sponge). This restricts the correct flow of important fluids in your brain and spinal column.

Blood is not the only fluid in the brain. Brain cells need more than just nourishment and waste removal to be healthy. They require a unique network of communication among distant and directly connected cells. The distant cells are not in direct contact with one another. The circulation of powerful chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, creates this network. The cells in contact with one another release neurotransmitters to hit the neuron immediately adjacent it. A very special liquid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) carries neurotransmitters for the distant cells in the other half of the communication system. They allow distant cells to communicate directly with one another. CSF carries valuable nutrients and removes waste. By delivering neurotransmitters, it also creates a cell-to-cell conversation inside the brain and body called neuronal communication.

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood must circulate freely. Any compression or restrictions inside your skull create numerous problems. Some of these may even be dangerous and severe.

Howell's First Law of Brain Function states, "Fluid distribution is determined by the shape of the vessel."

CSF is manufactured in the brain and flows through the brain and down the spinal column. It is eventually drined into the azygous vein and enters the blood near the heart. The movements of the bones in the skeleton and skull work like a pump for CSF. When you inhale, the bones of the skull flex and the spine elongates. When you exhale, the skull bones extend and the spine shortens. Similar motions occur in the skull when you chew. As your skull bones move, your brain receives a gentle massage, forcing CSF to move inside your skull. If your bones are compressed, restricted or warped, the pumping action is restricted. Your nervous system does not work correctly. If no motion at all occurs, you die!

Howell's Second Law of Brain Function states, "All pumps depend on their shape for their efficiency." A symmetrical pump distributes fluid far better and more evenly than one that is bent or misshapen.

Howell's Third Law of Brain Function states, "The flow of fluids in your brain is controlled by physical laws and mechanical pressures." There is a basic law of fluid flow called "Bernoulli's Law." The fluid dynamics in the skull and spinal column affect us greatly. Everyone needs to understand this important principle. Bernoulli's Law is simple. It states, "If a liquid flows through a restricted area, like a pipe, then the liquid will speed-up as the pipe gets narrower."

Similarly, if there is compression, restrictions, or warping in your skull, your CSF accelerates in those areas and slows down in other areas. This creates turbulent flow patterns. With the turbulence, some areas to get too much CSF and too many neurotransmitters and others areas do not get enough. When important areas of the brain and nervous system do not experience the correct flow of blood and CSF, they can’t work properly. They receive too little or too much flow of vital nutrients from the blood and of chemical messages from the cerebrospinal fluid. This can create a wide range of difficult and complex problems all over the body.

The correct functioning of your brain and nervous system has more to do with your health than you may realize. Optimal health and optimal performance in all areas of life require a healthy, balanced nervous and skeletal system.

For more information about this amazing "transformational" therapy, call Derek at (888) 252-0411 or email info@DrDeanHowell.com.